Jason Doucette / Xona Games
hometown – Yarmouth, NS, Canada
residence – Seattle, WA, USA
university – Acadia University
college – COGS
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Triple Jump's Craziest Wins

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Crazy Win #1
The following position, and the line of play to win, was computed by Triple Jump while playing against an experienced checkers player over the Internet. Triple Jump sacrifices 6 of its 8 pieces for the win. It takes exactly 15 half-moves (ply) to accomplish this, which is a Win for White in 8 moves. It took less than a second to solve this amazing win.


 2.  3.  4.

 5.  6.  7.

 8.  9. 10.

11. 12. 13.

14. 15.

Crazy Win #2
Another amazing win by Triple Jump against an experienced checkers player on the Internet. Triple Jump announces a win in 6 in under a second by letting its opponent get a King while setting up the triple jump, leaving only 2 remaining checkers for red, in which White gobbles up easily.


 2.  3.  4.

 5.  6.  7.

 8.  9. 10.


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Jason Allen Doucette | Xona Games | The First Pixel