Jason Doucette / Xona Games
hometown – Yarmouth, NS, Canada
residence – Seattle, WA, USA
university – Acadia University
college – COGS
contact – (other methods)
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    tech – Project/Games · Graphics Tech · Artificial Intelligence · World Records/Number Theory
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twin – Matthew Doucette of Xona Games
old – Petzold's Programming Windows 5th ed Errata · Domain Hacks · Wallpapers
blog – The First Pixel

Jason Doucette
Please visit my twin's resume: MatthewDoucette.com

Traditional Resume
Projects / Games
Computer Graphics
Artificial Intelligence
Acadia University Transcript
World Records

630,352 index hits since May 13th, 1999
2,398,715 total page views
Jason Allen Doucette | Xona Games | The First Pixel